Sunday, December 30, 2007

A New Year!

Happy Holidays! I hope you've had an enjoyable break from the workings of everyday life and have had time to reflect on your last year as well as get excited for the year ahead. I can't believe how fast 2007 flew by...a gazillion recipes, hundreds of orders and one chocolate school later we are making our way into 2008.

I'm so excited for the unknown opportunities that await us in this coming year and for the chance to offer new and innovative chocolate treats as well as time-honored favorites (including the possibilities of a small line of buttercreams, dipped dried fruit, cordial cherries and new ganache flavors!) Also new happenings may be a line of gift box towers, a more informative catering section for special events, easy to use features and updates to the shopping cart and specialized cakes. Look forward to new ideas to be brought back from Europe after I do chocolate/pastry shadowing in Italy, Switzerland and France in Spring '08.

Enough business talk though....I would love to hear how everyone's holiday was! I was lucky enough to spend time with my family in California as well as a mini-holiday with my other family, the Jensen's. Both holidays were full of fun, food and games, as well as adventures at Disneyland, the ocean while kayaking and at the airport....(gotta love traveling in the winter!) Thanks to my wonderful family for coordinating such a fun and memorable trip, and best wishes and all my love for your upcoming New Year!
As to my loyal clients and friends, thank you for your support this last year, as well as for all your sweet comments! (I hope to have some type of customer feedback page this year to highlight your kind I appreciate them dearly!) And a big thank you to my supportive and loving husband, as well as to my wonderful and uplifting family...without you this year would not have been as fun or as successful as it was!
Have a Happy New Year and take time to reflect on all that this year has to offer you!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fun yet Hectic

The last couple weeks have flown by in a haze...I guess that's what happens when the holiday season rolls around.

A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of catering a dessert buffet for Sergeants Pet Care in Omaha for their quarterly celebration. What a wonderful company that's been around for over 100 years! They offer everything from flea and tick control, to treats and toys! They even offer health and grooming tips on their web site (

I worked with Karen, who was an absolute sweetheart...and had fun planning a menu full of goodies! (just a few shown below)
Also, you remember that sister of mine? I went to Norfolk to visit her for the weekend and stopped by her clinical site, went to a service at First Baptist Church, had fun in a kick-boxing class and went to a charming winery, Cuthills Vineyards in Pierce, NE....(

We were able to chat with co-owner, Holly Swanson, and sample an assortment of red and white wines, all of which were fragrant and delicious.

After the weekend, we had a busy week of deliveries and shipments during the short holiday week, and now am enjoying Thanksgiving with my fabulous family in Algona.

I hope your holidays are off to an enjoyable start, but don't forget about the order deadline of December 12. If you would like your holiday orders ready to ship for Christmas, make sure to order before the 12th and write in the "comment" section that this is a holiday order, otherwise it will be processed as normal.
All orders after the 12th will be processed the first of January. If you'd like more information, click on the banner on our homepage

Enjoy your Turkey Day leftovers and have an awesome rest of the weekend!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sister Sara

So, I wasn't quite sure what to write about this week....I was thinking about the upcoming Legacy Ball in Algona that I'm donating to as well as attending...(it's a fundraiser for the hospital) then I thought about the new holiday keepsake boxes that will be appearing later this week...but all that was clouded by thoughts of my sister Sara.

Sara just started her rounds of clinicals for physical therapy school. She will graduate in May, but before she walks across the stage, she will have worked in Nebraska, Wisconsin and Texas. In the next 6 months she's gone, I'll probably only see her a couple of times.

This is quite a shock for me, considering she's been living with my husband and I for a couple months, but it seems much longer than that...(in a good way!) The house just doesn't seem the same without her, and I know the dogs are depressed and missing Aunt Sara :)

Who can live without her coming home at odd hours, leaving mounds of her PT books around the living room, or having to look at several outfits before she decides on the pink shoes with black sweater, instead of the red shoes with cream sweater....

All I can say is that my days seem just a little bit more lonely without her and my life doesn't seen as full without her REALLY random stories...and even though her stuff is still at my house (for now) just serves as a reminder that I will never again have those moments of her and I going to the grocery store or me coming home and seeing the dogs all over her on the couch while she tries to study on my laptop....
So this week I just want to remind you to appreciate the little things and really take a look at your life and those you love who are in it...because your life changes every day and you don't get a second chance to just stop and take it all start today.

PS- Good Luck to Sara during this difficult and exciting time in her life! You'll do famously and I'm sure you'll make lots of friends and learn tons that will prepare you for your promising future....I'm so proud of you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Are you ready for some....cookies?

I don't know what's been going on this last week...but I guess everyone is in the mood for cookies! Of the several I've had already, two in particular stand out because they came from some very special people in my life.

One was from my best friend, Nicole. She, and the lovely people of Scottish Rite Park, had some fun contests last week and the ultimate winner received a custom basket. The winning team also receives something special this shaped cookies, with the winning team's colors, gold and black, of the Iowa Hawkeyes.This proved to be slightly challenging in that the request was for a shaped chocolate chip cookie...and well, I found it's hard to shape a chocolate chip cookie because
A) the dough isn't stiff like a sugar cookie B) the chocolate chips cause the cookie shape to bake unevenly...causing the original oval shaped cookie to bake into a fatter, rounder, version of a football. :0)Well, I still think they turned out cute...especially with the finishing touch of detailing in white chocolate.

Another impressive cookie order was one from Priority Envelope. My sister Amanda and two of her sweet friends, Laurie and Jessica, placed an order of popcorn, ghoulish apples and cookies...lots of cookies....(taking advantage of the discount cookie girls!)It was fun making dozens of several varieties and packaging them with ribbon and just seeing tons of cookies...I hope they enjoy them as much I as enjoyed baking them (with love!)Hope you're all enjoying the final days of October and look forward to a new product in November...just in time for the holidays!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Two to go!

The countdown is on....of my favorite Fall things! I just recently had a wonderful day at Vala's Pumpkin Patch with my husband and the weekend before I enjoyed an authentic and wonderful s'more at the Chi Omega Alum exchange! (it was burnt and everything!) Now the last thing to accomplish? Eat some pumpkin pie! Mmmmmmm.......

This Saturday was tons of fun with my hubby....we started off going to the last official Farmers Market in the Old Market where we bought green beans, a couple squash, fresh tomatoes and.....enchiladas? Yes...only Brad and I would buy enchiladas at a Farmers Market! I also got to taste my first Pancrepe! Yum!!!

The rest of the afternoon was spent at the pumpkin patch...complete with afternoon rain showers! We ended our marvelous day with a movie at home....and all I can say is wow...i love my crazy, sweet, off-the-wall, kid at heart, handsome husband....who ate a really huge hot dog at the pumpkin patch! (off the topic...but was huge) :0)
Hope you're all crossing off your favorite "to-do's" of Fall and I wish you an awesome week!

PS- a big shout out to the lovely ladies at Creighton's Gamma Phi Beta! Thanks for inviting me to speak about the world of was fun giving you a presentation and I hope you had as wonderful time as I did! You girls are super!

Monday, October 8, 2007

What a Fun Request!

Last week I had tons of fun in the kitchen...especially with a certain order from my friend Kim! (this friend, actually, is semi-responsible for helping my husband and I meet..if she hadn't told him to leave his office and meet me out front...well...who knows what would have happened!)

So Kim and her beautiful girls must have been in the mood for some Halloween chow because that was the theme of their order. They were able to sample the cookies n' creme apple and ghoulish apple, which entitled them to free caramel corn. Since they got caramel corn, Kim ordered rocky road popcorn for her friend and some decorated sugar cookies and truffles for her friends and family (both of which, of course, were decorated to be like Halloween characters)

Making truffles look like a pumpkin, mummy and Frankenstein proved to be a fun, yet challenging request...but I was excited for this opportunity to deviate from the norm!

I hope you enjoy these pictures of my final creations for this wonderful family and a big thank you to Kim, Rick, Bailey, Riley and Samantha for allowing me to be artfully stimulated with these fun, fun projects! You guys are the best! xoxoxo

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I Love Fall!

Can you believe it's October? Wow, time has flown by...but how can I be sad about the passing of another year when I get to look out out huge windows to see the leaves changing and I get to feel the brisk morning air. This time of the year is always feels cool during the morning and warms up to the mid to high 70's still by the get the best of both seasons right now!

Also with fall comes the excuse to eat s'mores (as if I ever needed an excuse!) eat caramel corn, caramel apples, pumpkin pie and break out the hot chocolate and spiced cider! Kids get excited about Halloween (My favorite costume was Peter Pan...I wanted to be a fairy, but my mom thought the Tinker Bell costume was to skimpy for a child my age!) I get excited about going to haunted houses, an apple orchard or pumpkin patch and eating pumpkin pie...(wait..did I say that already?!)

What are your favorite things about October? The weather? Food? Time with family? To help you celebrate all your favorite "Fall things", The Chocolate Season is featuring its Gourmet Apples.

Buy any 2 of your favorite apples and get a big ol' 8 oz bag of Sweet Caramel Corn for FREE! For the month of October only, you also get the chance to purchase a whimsical "Goulish Apple" (a white chocolate covered apple, tinted orange, and topped with dark chocolate)

And don't forget the cookie special, which will be extended till the end of October...Every cookie order is 20% off!
I hope the month of October is only the beginning of a Fall full of picture-worthy moments with friends and family, and I hope The Chocolate Season will help make every moment even sweeter!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Girls' Weekend!

Well, this will be a short post, but I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful weekend I had in the great city of Omaha! My best bud from high school, Nicole, and my sister Amanda, drove to Omaha to spend some time with my twin Sara and myself.

We just wanted some time to catch up and hang out, and the weekend started out great with a wine and movie night, complete with some Rodney Strong Pinot Noir, bread, cheese and chocolate (of course!)

The weekend continued with a trip to the world-famous Omaha Zoo, some ice cream at Ted & Wally's and then a night out to Jazz (a wonderful restaurant at 14th and Farnam), and then meeting up with friends at Upstream.
Thanks girls for such a great time, wonderful talks and just an opportunity to reconnect!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Anniversary Weekend

Hello all! I know it has been a couple weeks since I've written, it has just been a busy time getting back into the flow of things after being in New Hampshire and Georgia!

The last couple weeks have been spent completing orders and setting up meetings with new clients, one of which I'm very excited for. I'll be speaking at a Creighton sorority in October, educating them about the benefits of sorority life after graduation, (I'm a Chi Omega alum) the risks and rewards of starting up a new business and life as a business woman/chocolatier.

This past weekend was my one-year wedding anniversary with my darling husband Brad. Brad and I went to Algona to celebrate with my parents, but before the celebration, we both had a wedding to attend in Minnesota. Brad was the photographer and I provided truffles and bon bons for the dessert reception. Brandon and Ana (groom and bride) were super fun and their wedding was an intimate affair for close friends and family. We were both honored to be a part of their day! (here are some pictures of their chocolates!)

My anniversary was wonderful! Brad surprised me with a leather-bound storybook album of our wedding was soooo beautiful! Mom and Dad cracked open a wine from their trip to Paris and shared our wedding cake with us....I was surprised at how NOT bad it was! ( wasn't awesome....but for being a year wasn't to bad!)

I also got to catch up with some friends from Pharmacists Mutual, drop off some orders for a few employees, and also bring a gift basket for the folks at Kemna Auto Center, with whom I am now corporate partners a new car...get a customized chocolate basket with Kemna coffee mug! I'm very excited for this new adventure and love working with all the considerate employees at Kemna!

That's about it for this week...but more to come later! Have a wonderful week and check out the 20% cookie special at The Chocolate Season (good till October!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finally Back!

I feel like the last couple weeks have been full of traveling....well...they have! First chocolate school at L.A. Burdicks and then a personal trip to Georgia to see my wonderful and very sweet best friend, Amanda.

At Burdick's we were immersed in gourmet food and chocolate goodies. Our instructor Michael is a culinary genius and the most down-to-earth person I've met in a long time. The class consisted of 10 strangers who became great friends by the end of the week, sharing pictures of kids and dogs and swapping stories from the week....I love that we still e-mail each other and I hope to stay good friends with everyone!

The knowledge and hands on learning experiences gained that week are indescribable and I would go back in a heartbeat.
*Look forward to brand new flavor combinations for creativity was unleashed and I can't wait to make brand new recipes for everyone! ex: burnt caramel chocolate, lavender vanilla and mojito...just to name a few!

As for GA, my best bud Amanda and her husband Nathaniel hosted Brad and I for a couple days and they were awesome hosts! We got to stay at a little apartment in Savannah and they took us out on the town, we went sightseeing, stayed at their house in Brunswick, smoked pork and chicken for us, made a good ol' Southern breakfast...complete with grits...and we had a whole day at the beach!

Thanks for the wonderful memories, inspiring conversations and just for a great, great time!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

To New Hampshire....and Beyond!

Well, actually I'm not going much beyond New Hampshire..but I thought the title sounded kind of fun!

I'll be going on a business trip to New Hampshire from today the 11th, till Sunday the 19th. I'll be studying some new chocolate techniques with world famous chocolatier...Larry Burdick! Always ranking in America's Top Ten Chocolate Shops, this will truly be a memorable experience and I can't wait to pass on all the *delicious* tips and trends in the chocolate business to you!

Any order or email received while I'm away will be processed and answered when I return in a timely manner. Have an enjoyable week and look for some fun pictures to go up on-line when I return home to Omaha!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Any Requests From the Crowd?

Something I love providing for my customers is the ability for them to be able to "create". I offer many products at The Chocolate Season, but sometimes occasions call for something unique, or custom made just for that person. For example, your dad's birthday is around the corner and you want to have something made just for search the bakeries and check Hy-Vee, but nothing seems quite right.

That's where The Chocolate Season comes in handy. So your dad loves cinnamon and bananas and hates chocolate....what's a girl to do? How about create a bananas and cream cake with vanilla bean and an Italian buttercream frosting with cinnamon, then top it off with baked banana slices and some whipped cream art? (Mmmmmmmmmm)

So was the case last week with a request for an anniversary cake. What does an anniversary mean to you? To me, it means wine and flowers, chocolate and fruit. So how about create a merlot chocolate cake, with chocolate raspberry frosting and top it with sugared rose petals? I loved this cake so much that I decided to add it to my product list!

What's the point of this particular journal post? Just letting you know that food is fun, and if you have ideas...let's try to create something fantastic together!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lovin' Algona...

I just went back to my hometown Algona for a couple days to meet with customers and enjoy some time with my parents.

It was a wonderful opportunity to deliver some orders to friends back home (thank you to the Tim and Barbara, Robin and Sandy!) as well as visit with some businesses about options they can use to show their customers appreciation, send holiday wishes or receive information on retail opportunities (great visiting ya'll at Interior Designs, Erpelding & Voigt, Northwest Federal, Iowa State Bank, Styles Salon, The Gallery, Kossuth County Hospital and Teresa's Bridal)

I know some say that people are just different in small towns, but sometimes, I think it's true! I was greeted with such warmth and enthusiasm, it made all my visits so pleasurable and it was very exciting talking with others about the products we have here at The Chocolate Season and all the options that are available for customization!

I can't wait to go back to personally deliver customer orders or to talk with others about The Chocolate Season, and I know I'll have an enjoyable time with the friendly people of Algona, as well as investigate the wealth of opportunities that lie there!

PS-thanks to my parents for putting up with me for a couple days, dad for taking me golfing (swing towards the hole!) and mom for the morning of bagels and cream cheese and the funny conversations with Sandy at The Daily Grind, among other countless moments!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bridal Fun!

This week was full of fun for brides. Earlier this week I had the chance to be a part of a beautifully planned bridal shower. Hosted by Ally Strobel, she had theme colors of pink, orange and green and every detail was accounted for...from an ironing board woman to suckers with coordinated ribbons and a 5 gallon bucket of margarita mix!
Here are a couple pictures showcasing just a few of the goodies I was able to bring to the shower!

Also this weekend was a combination wine tasting shower at Vino 100 and crazy fun bachelorette party for my sorority "big sis" Rachel! I brought some truffles to the wine tasting shower, because wine and chocolate are as perfect a pair as peanut butter and jelly!!!
(the bride, Rachel, is the good-lookin' gal on the left, then her mom, and her twin sister Renee, who was the brains behind the Rachel day o' fun!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Lovely Weekend...

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start! I've had a great couple of weeks...partially due to the fact that my sister Amanda from Boone, and my brother-in-law Mike was in town from's always a fun and fantastic time when they're those guys!!! (Can't wait for you both to visit again! Miss ya already!....we can have ice cream sundaes again when both, or either one of you guys, come back)

My weekend was full of some fun as well...starting with a date my husband Brad took me on....went to a lovely restaurant called Firebirds, where I know have my first official "favorite" meal! It was fantastic!!! He surprised me with a summer dress from a boutique and the night ended with a movie.

Brad, Sara, Leia (our puppy) and I also went to the Luis Palau Heartland Festival. A Christian festival, it had family-fun activities like characters from Veggie Tales, motorcycle and bike stuntmen, food tents, inflatable games, HUGE christian concerts, and tons of other fun stuff....not to mention the awesome Luis Palau....who gave inspirational messages to the hundred thousand people who attended.

To round out the last couple days, I now am the official owner of a new Apple Mac Book (my other lap top died...well, not quite dead yet...but it's definatly on life support...and dying quickly) Always a PC lover, my husband has converted me to the Apple...we'll see how it goes (as it is all a little bit foreign to me right now!) :0)

New happenings at The Chocolate Season, I'll be catering a beautiful bridal shower, hosted by a good friend, Ally Strobel, this week. She's requested a very delicious array of desserts and appetizers, and I can't wait to make her bright, beautiful cupcakes, with Italian buttercream light and airy...perfect!

Can't wait to blog again, and feel free to drop me a line regarding the new shopping cart options, like gift certificates, wish lists, and the ability to read and review products!

Have a great week!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Where Have I Been?!

Omigoodness, where has the time gone? I apologize to all my faithful readers for not posting lately, we've just been a bit busy.

At The Chocolate Season, our shopping cart is finally up!

Take a look around at the large product photos and endless options available. Make a personal wish list to send to loved ones, email your favorite product to your friend so she can see what you've been gushing about, or write your own personal review of any product you've tried!

The perfect gift is also now available, The Chocolate Season Gift Certificates! No need to worry about belated birthday presents, send a gift instantly on-line. Look forward to special coupons that will be featured on the homepage...just enter in the special code and redeem your discount.

Shipping options are easier than ever with USPS rates already calculated with the "Warm Weather Shipping" cost already added in (which will last till October 1) and new automatic options: Pick Up and Delivery!

Also new at The Chocolate Season...Bejeweled Truffles. Inspiration for these hand-painted "gems" came from the look of nature's own color try dazzling someone special in your life with these edible wonders!

I'll be back again next week with another post...but I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and again...I always love hearing your comments and opinions, so feel free to drop me a line!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Shells and Shopping Carts

Hello all! I just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are in the process of offering you a new shopping cart! This cart will be able to make your shopping experience more organized and offer you a user profile to make check out faster and easier! There will be new specials announced, with the use of coupon codes to offer you a taste of "the sweet life" at a discounted price.

We're still working on the "look and feel" of the cart, but that will progress in the next couple months, so please stick with us during this transitional time!

As promised, here are a couple of pictures of Sunny's wedding favors. The box photos only show about 80 of the boxes, and we ended up with 250! All those little bows were sure fun to tie, but the finished look was well worth the wait.

Just a reminder, The Chocolate Season can personalize your wedding with custom truffles, or chocolate shapes, as well as offer you monogramed ribbon for your special day. Contact us with any ideas or questions, and we'll make your wedding dreams come true!