Sara just started her rounds of clinicals for physical therapy school. She will graduate in May, but before she walks across the stage, she will have worked in Nebraska, Wisconsin and Texas. In the next 6 months she's gone, I'll probably only see her a couple of times.
This is quite a shock for me, considering she's been living with my husband and I for a couple months, but it seems much longer than that...(in a good way!) The house just doesn't seem the same without her, and I know the dogs are depressed and missing Aunt Sara :)
Who can live without her coming home at odd hours, leaving mounds of her PT books around the living room, or having to look at several outfits before she decides on the pink shoes with black sweater, instead of the red shoes with cream sweater....
All I can say is that my days seem just a little bit more lonely without her and my life doesn't seen as full without her REALLY random stories...and even though her stuff is still at my house (for now) just serves as a reminder that I will never again have those moments of her and I going to the grocery store or me coming home and seeing the dogs all over her on the couch while she tries to study on my laptop....
So this week I just want to remind you to appreciate the little things and really take a look at your life and those you love who are in it...because your life changes every day and you don't get a second chance to just stop and take it all start today.
PS- Good Luck to Sara during this difficult and exciting time in her life! You'll do famously and I'm sure you'll make lots of friends and learn tons that will prepare you for your promising future....I'm so proud of you!