So, quick re-cap. We moved. *surprise surprise* We expanded to 16 E. State St, the Boston Block Building in Algona. Brad has worked tirelessly on renovating the building for over 540 days *give or take a week or two* and we've had enormous help from parents, scott and sara lockard, and my best friends, who luckily, are still my friends even after hauling 2x4s, installing insulation and painting....everything.
We had some fun and crazy happenings here at TCS like Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich visiting, as well as being highlighted as an awesome small business by Google, a film crew came out and filmed us as a part of "Get IA online" (or insert your state of choice here...they will be making it around to all of them!) And the lead film maker had a small obsession over our chocolate shoes ;)

We've invented new products, created new drinks, developed new artisan chocolate flavors *like Cinco Margarita, named after my favorite mexican restaurant, Cinco de Mayo in Algona, as well as the Viola, Rosemary Merlot Caramel and the Southern Belle.

We started offering a superb lunch menu, thanks to the help of Chef Stephanie, a recent addition who relocated from Minneapolis.

I'm always continuing my education with conferences like the one I just went to in Maryland, where i get to spend some quality time with fellow foodies, talk about recipe development, bounce flavor ideas of each other, and just have some fun bonding time over modeling chocolate roses, toooooo much food, and pate de fruit :)

I'll showcase some photos of my favs with their favorite thing at the it'll be a great way to meet them and see some of the popular products we have in store for you!
Thanks for the update! We always like seeing all the amazing foods and chocolates that come from TCS! Looking forward to hearing all the latest from Erika and her chocolate season team. :)